On the second day then we went to the science museum. On the third floor then there was a bit called launch pad. it was all about how things worked and how things interacted with each other. There was a rocket show that showed you all about rockets. We were
showed Newtons three laws of motion. I had to be a
rocket and push against a wheelie chair to make it go.
After that then we went for lunch I had a fish and chips and Dad had some chicken and sweetcorn soup. For pudding I had a cookie as big as my head! After lunch we went to the future section. They had a big board that you could play games on like cloning extinct animals. Then we went to the who am I bit. There was a backwards driving game that was quite hard.
When we had lunch on the way home then I had a sausage roll and a chocolate pastry thing. On the train I had an Aero hot chocolate.